"THE WOLF (A Deceiver) IS  AMONG US!"
                                                                           Jeremiah 23:1-4 
 From the desk of: Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston, to the whole earth, I write; this letter to the governments of the UN through this sermon to inform you that the aforementioned letter is given as a solution to a global problem, until such time that our LORD and Creator of heaven and earth shall  announce to the world the date and time of my full reign in the earth. 
 Jeremiah teaches against the pastors of God's people by strongly warning them of God's judgments upon them in the evil of their doings which reads as: Jeremiah 23:1-4 Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD.
Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people. Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD. 
And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the LORD.   
Pastors are shepherds known in many religions of the world but their titles are termed differently. Pastors are generally known in Protestant Christian denominations as: priest, Delal lama, pastor, Rabbi, scientist, Shiites & Sunnis, and ministers. Almost, all of them are held to specific religious oath: A. to guard the truth, B. set an example, C. confront sin D. care for widows E. visit the sick, F. preach the word God, G. pray for the flock, H. provide a safe shelter/haven, I. "comfort the grieving, J. Proclaim the word with all authority and let no one circumvent that", L. disseminate the word of God to the people of the world. 
 Apart from all these duties there are other duties which they must attend too, and they include but are not limited to: being a model of trust worthiness of God, a good leader to encourage and develop trust worthiness in others. Use power and authority and influence prudently and humbly. Foster loyalty. Demonstrate a commitment to the well-being of the entire congregation. Pastors are chosen many times before or by other elders and are ordained within their particular denomination.
However, there are a few that are not called of God, people pretending to be of them, are  among them, when in fact they are ravenous wolves in sheeps clothing sent by devils to deceive Gods people; and lead them down the pathway of destruction. They are filled with a "hidden agenda", like a pack of wolves in the mist of God's flock. Looking like sheep but they truly are not. They are the devil in disguise filled with sin and ready to destroy the innocent and unsuspecting to do them great harm. Sin intended nothing decent. 
 They attend Sunday morning and evening service, mask, temples, shrines, special services and events lurking around the corner waiting  to attack a woman, young girl or child. They touch or grope their backsides or other body parts and quickly get away before they scream for help. These people are usually male of or almost various race of people, they are also termed a potential pedophile or worse, rapist, murder, serial killer, abductor, date rapist, sex offender. The requirement for reporting such crimes by victims, must be at least 15 -30 people before the authorities will investigate to make an arrest.  
 There are numerous organizations both domestically and internationally which are confronting these issues globally to end terrorism, sexual oppression, sexual exploitation of both women and children. They are also confronting child abductions, disease, genocide, war by oppression, to eliminate global conflict. In- addition to domestic violence, and a wide arrange of other types of sexual misconduct by those who are sworn to protect the poor and innocent, disabled  and the hungry and homeless; to bring an end to religious oppression in the role of global conflict.  
The United States and the United Kingdom must eliminate all religious oppression, racism, discrimination among women and children in all classes and cultures of people. The abuse of power and authority within leadership of all religions has brought about a mass call for intervention by all governments to; 1. to regard racial discrimination as a crime. 2. prohibit and end all organizations that insights, promote discrimination and should include those in power with a hidden agenda to disguise the overthrow of the elimination of religious terrorism. 
There are at least five (5) major conformist religions in direct violation to these restrictions which would bring harm and disgrace to an unsuspecting woman or child placing them in harms way of rape, physical abuse, verbal and sexual abuse by someone who they know and trusted in leadership over them within these religious organizations; they are known by occupation to be a Rabbi, pastor, minister of the clergy.  
 What is strongly advised is that the UK and the US adhere to petitions to put all UN religious conformist religious organizations members on trial who practice and teach propaganda and whose policies promote racism and hold all UN states legally accountable for failure to prosecute religious organizations for their part in promoting global racism. It is estimated that over 30 million children are abused each year by someone they know in these positions of great power and authority, and much of these incidents go unreported by the children.  
The hierarchy within these conformist religious organizations are of spiritual and pastoral guides and have been responsible for over 500 million abused children. The US & UK should have sought out leaders who are exemplary in the supposed protection of all global children to bring the problem of global oppression and abuse to elimination. These top five (5) conformist religious groups are no longer considered safe havens for the worlds children.  The Word of God teaches against such wicked oppression and is against pastors who do harm to HIS flock of sheep. Here is a very important scripture:
Jeremiah 10:21 For the pastors have become brutish, and have not sought the LORD: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flock shall be scattered. God clearly is angry that these conformist religious leaders have allowed a wolf to come into the mist among the flock and he has ordered their punishment. Powerful word of God, indeed is Jeremiah 10:21. Praise God.  How would you like to hear the words "you shall not prosper" spoken to you by one of God's Apostles, or Prophets? That is such a horrific thing to hear in any economy good or bad. Wouldn't you agree? But this is the judgment for such types of sin/crimes against these people, women and children.
Lets hope that my listening audience members are not guilty of such impropriety in judgment against women and children. God certainly will not prosper those who he consider having failed the churches flock to remove wolves out, Cast them out bring them to an open shame according to Psalm 36:12 There are the workers of iniquity fallen: they are cast down, and shall not be able to rise. And, Proverbs 26:27 Whose hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness shall be shewed before the whole congregation. 
Luke 29:45 And he went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold therein , and them that bought; Yes, the word of God does teach us what we must do to protect the innocent betrayed by evil wicked leadership, expell them to their destruction, for disgracing his Holy congregations, who causes these flock to be scattered to other countries across the globe. 
Let the world know! that these peoples safe havens for women and children are a breading ground for heinous sexual abuse, sexual assaults, gropers, rapist, date rapist, and many other forms of sexual misconduct on a global basis. "NO SAFE PLACE FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN!!!" should be the banner read over the foreheads of every one of these abusers of children. Because, Sin intended nothing decent. 
But the truth of the matter these abusers are not caught because the laws are not enforced, misconduct is ignored, and there are not enough policies in place to protect these innocent women and children. It has been reported that these conformist religious  organizations use theft, money laundering practices, drug cartels, and those involved in schemes instigated to carry out genocide, terrorism and hate crimes or worse.      
Most citizens within most countries are aware of their limits of freedom of speech and just where to draw the line of reporting sexual misconduct against their sexual oppressors, they are aware of the penalities or sanctions that would be against them. Everyone, including citizens and all conformist religious organizations, governments and the UN should be willing to live within the restrictions of the law to prevent sexual misconduct, sexual oppression which create negative and hostile environments placing public safety of their people at great risk due to all those who break the law.
 People on the earth were created by God to live according to his law: THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them. 
Therefore, because men were created by God,  in the image of God, they should know and understand that there is: NOT ONE SINGLE SCRIPTURE in the KJV of the Holy Bible which tells us that GOD, with all of his many wonderful attributes was a sexual abuser of women and children. An these men ought to follow in Gods attributes as well as in his image to treat women and children with ultimate respect and not disgrace.  
The UN has been petitioned by citizens of countries to bring and end to global sexual oppression.  They have appealed to their leadership of governments to give the UN the power and authority to implement changes on a global scale to protest the safety of women and children within these communities where temple worship, shrines, mask, and churches, events ect. have become a haven for sexual assaults, rape, molestation, scaring, murder, maming, and other heinous crimes of passion are committed.  
And these governments are requested to give the UN immediate authority for immediate closure of all churches, temples, mask, shrines, who have willingly violated the Declaration Of Human Rights articles and should be closed with no opportunity for reopening. And that there be no penality against the women and children who report to the legal authorities of their sex offenders name and addresses where the abuse took place nor for the abuse of their bodies, nor for their witnesses. They should have protection from the law against any threats or acts of terrorism against them. 
 All members of the UN and religious conformist organizations found guilty of such crimes should be sanctioned and removed, and disbarred from membership prior to or upon conviction of such crimes. In conclusion, all citizens of a global community should do their very best to obey the laws of God, whereby prevention of such crimes are brought to all time low and those found guilty will be brought to judgment swiftly, making our global community safer from conformist religious organizations, as we all continue promoting world peace and safety through our own actions. 
There are a number of national and international hot lines to call when violence of a particular type happens to someone you know or to another person. Most of these hot line numbers are listed on search engines: Here are a few: National Domestic Violence Hotline, Austin Texas 737-225-3150 and, International Suicide Hotlines United States 911 and for Suicide 988. Let me encourage each person listening to become more aware of your surroundings and those around you to help keep yourself and others safe from sexual oppression.