Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairstons,' CHAIR Dear People of God, Welcome to Royal Queen Cora's chair: here you will find ministry letters designed just for you on the pages of the website. All of you who are hungry and thirsty for the living word of God come where your soul will be filled with nourishing food and water to properly nourish every part of your being. It is the will of God for you to be spiritually fed from what he has provided and not from the worlds system according to Eph. 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; God gave us His Son who gave his life according to John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. You must feed your spirit in order to remain connected to the life giving source and his name is King Jesus. So, prepare your hearts and minds to be nourished and filled to overflowing as you partake of this Holy food form Gods word. I am delighted that he has given me this opportunity to help his flock of sheep to become rams of the gospel, to mature in his word more and more and to be ready when he comes. Praise God. I have provided these letters for you as I wrote above in this letter.. I know that you will be wonderfully blessed as you continue to read and meditate upon Gods word in each one. I am please that you have visited my website and so is our maker, God and his only Son King Jesus and our intercessor the Holy Spirit, they delight in each of us when we come together to feed and nourish his hungry and thirsty flock of sheep. Praise God. Chosen by God for ever more, Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston, Founder, CEO, & Overseer Prayer Power Ministries P.O. Box 600816 Dallas, Texas 75360 Feed your hungry, thirsty soul on my awesome ministry letter written just below: Saturday, January 20, 2024 THE SEED OF A WOMAN God's story of the creation process is so uniquely and awesomely written that not many people can write it as eloquently as it has already been written in Genesis. I decided to write it in my own words. So, perhaps you might like my version somewhat better than others who have attempted to make it uniquely their own. My insight on the subject is as follows: For a man to disrespect a woman is to disrespect himself. For the seed of a man was released to become "the seed of a woman" through childbirth. Everything they both possessed in the formation of life came from God unto them. The woman was endowed by God with wisdom to nurture this union, a child into a beautiful character, in order that someone else one day could love, admire, and respect. Respect what God has done in a woman and one day respect will be restored to you as a man. In King Jesus mighty name. "Hallelujah!" The above version is a very simplified one and unique in it's own way. But now I will return to the original version of the Bible. God created man and woman in the Garden of Eden in his own image. Though, it may be thought that they were both created (at the same time) to be equal with him, he created them to be lower than himself in order that they would come to know him, fellowship with him and of course trust him for their every need. Gen. 2:16. The basis of the creation of Adam and Eve is a moral issue and a lesson for all of God's creation since that time of the first family on earth. The true story of Adam and Eve, in this instance, begins with God's instructions for them not to eat of the "Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil", for to eat of this forbidden tree would bring them into a carnal state of mind, Rom. 8:7, which we learn is enmity against God. But God did create people to have a choice to serve him through their own "free will" or not to serve him in their own "free will" as their one and only deity, God. This moral lesson came about in the Garden when Adam and Eve sinned against God when they ate of the tree. Because of their sin against the perfect will of God for them, they were both banished from the beautiful Garden of Eden, and also from the presence of God, who created them. This banishment was due to sin which entered into both of them through their flesh and spirit 2 Cor. 7:1, which is embed in their disobedience to God's holy instructions "not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Gen. 2:16. The greatest controversy arose between Adam and Eve was conflict, "Who committed what sin? And why? Adam blamed the woman, his wife, Eve. God gave the law to Adam who was, holy and perfect and free of sin in both the flesh and spirit before God. He was given the instructions to dress the garden and to tend to it after he had named all the animals in the garden. Not only was Adam given the law concerning matters of the garden but he was also suppose to keep fellowship with God who created all things. When he sinned his free will to serve God also came into to existence along with guilt, shame, blame, anger, resentment, fear and a desire to hide form God whom he had breached fellowship for the forbidden tree. (he desires to hide himself from God even though he knew that there was no place within the Garden of Eden to hide from God. Gen. 3:10.) The obvious reality of this amazing first family is remarkable and yet horrific at the same time because they both eventually end up cursed by God for having believed the serpent who is believed to have beguiled Eve, Adams wife and helpmate. The serpent is the first to be cursed by God and told by God that he will crawl upon his belly and eat dust for the rest of his life. And is cursed above all animals within the animal kingdom. The serpent was also cursed much more by God, for he was told that one day the "seed of a woman would bruise his head and he would bruise her seed's heel", in Gen. 3:14-15. Thus, the seed of a woman would not only be be put at enmity with the serpent, but with God according to Rom. 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. And many multitudes of years of hostile, bitter resentment, animosity, deep rooted hatred arose in their flesh and spirit of not only Adam and Eve but the serpent as well. And we can suspect that this evil hatred against one another was either apparent or hidden. This leads to distruction of any relationship whether it is initiated by the man or the woman because the serpents cunning, beguiling and deceitful words was spoken into the flesh and spirit through the ears and the minds down through the lineage unto morden day. Enmity is deadly and rooted in the ambiguous nature of competition and rivalry between husband and wife vying for their childrens attention, material things, power, dominance and control of the family. (this is the stuff that box office movies are made of, indeed, & especially for the ratings). Which would one day lead to a crevasse, making a great opening in the ground from which Adam came forth and in the relationship between the first family and all generations to come. This was inevitable because the man is taught to believe that he is to dominate the woman because he is made in the image of God. The Bible teaches us this in Gen. 1: 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. But, as we know, many men carry this male dominance to the literal distruction of the woman who is the weaker part of him, she is killed by the person who is suppose to be her help mate. Because the serpent tempted Adam and Eve most likey numerous times before they consented, Eve was cursed to suffer with great pain and travil within her childbearing and child birthing process. And she was told that her husband would rule over her and her every desire would be towards her husband (morden day domestic violence had just took root in this marital relationship in the Garden of Eden), Gen. 3:16; 1 Cor. 7:34. Adam, was cursed to till the ground from which he came with hard labour because the earth and it's soil was now cursed to produce bad herb bearing vegetables and much difficulty with other plant life and fruit as well. Including having to deal with many wild beast and serpents, and plaque of insects and other of natures animals. Gen. 3:14-17. The spiritual conflict of the seed of a woman and the seed of the serpent is so terrifying and drastic that it would shock the world and hell below; because the redemptive plan of revelation through the second man Adam, who through prophesy is to be King Jesus, and would restore the fallen man and woman back towards God. This plan of salvation Gen. 49:18, Psalm 3:8, Psalm 9:14 is so implicit because God would get the victory over all that took place in the fall of the first Adam and first woman, Eve and all that the serpent caused through his approach, and cunning words which lead to the fall and curse of all three, and their banishment from the Garden of Eden out into a world filled with darkness, death, and destruction. All humanity would suffer this plight, Christ would be born Isaiah 9:6-7, of a virgin woman, Luke 1:27, and be wounded Isaiah 53:5 and bruised by those who hated him causing the crucifixion on the cross. He would be raised from the dead by the power of his own words Matt.26:61, Matt. 27:40, Matt. 27:63, Mark 8:31 and when he committed his Spirit back to His Heavenly Father while he still was upon the cross Luke 23:46, he would get the victory through the destruction of the evil kingdom of darkness, defeating the serpent, all evil, all wickedness and death, hell and the grave would be destroyed forever Rev. 1:18.. Satan, and all of his devils would be left void of all power and authority against the resurrected Saviour of the human race and the world. The seed of a virgin woman through a virgin birth would bring victory to all women Luke 1:28-38, thus setting all free from the curse of the serpent which was done in the Garden of Eden. The seed of a woman would crush the strong hold of domestic violence, social injustice, economic disparity, sexual differences, sexual oppression and poverty, religious oppression, disrespect and much more evils that women of every race has suffered from millions of years, including spousal and parental abuse. King Jesus, the second man Adam would liberate women of all ethnicity who share a common cultural background or decent which is known as the interrelationship between gender, ethnicity and race, or class of people rich or poor, religious or non-religious. The following short report of morden day victories over the many injustices which women have faced are listed as follows: It was 2018, June 24, that the Arab countries with Saudi Arabia lifted their ban allowing arabic women the right to drive a car by themselves without having a male either their husbands or another male family member present in the car. In 2005, Saudi Arabia banned forced marriages. In 2009, the first Saudi female minister was appointed in the Cabinet. In 2011, King Abdullah allowed women to vote for the first time in the 2005 local elections and be appointed to the Consultative Assembly, the national legislature Islam has given women a share of inheritance. The freedom of these women is as: She is allowed to make any contract or bequest in her own name. She is entitled to inherit in her position as a wife, mother, and daughter. She has perfect liberty to choose her own husband. The pagan society of pre-Islamic Arabia had an irrational prejudice against their female children whom they used to bury alive. And in America in 1990, Anne Rainsford French Bush was the first American woman to earn her driver's license. French woman Camile du Gast became a motor past star during the 1901 Paris-Berlin race after beating out 89 of 122 competitors. Mar. 15, 2001. And in America in June 24, 2022, Roe vs. Wade on the issue of abortion was overturned by the U. S. Supreme Court making a historic declaration for all to know that the U. S. Supreme Court officially reversed Roe vs. Wade on Friday, declaring that the Constitutional right to abortion, upheld close to a half century no longer exists. The subsequent realization of truth has been an eye opening one to say the least, former tradition established in 1973 court decisions which ruled for Roe vs. Wade not been determined to be stated in the Constitution by Justice Alito as, "egregiously wrong", the arguments "exceptionally weak' and so as "damaging" that they amounted to "abuse of judicial authority." And many other classes of people have abolished such pagan doctrines against women, which proves that the seed of a woman has truly bruised the head of the serpent through knowledge of our Lord and Saviors victory over Satan and Lucifer and their dark kingdom of devils and demons injustices against women and children around the world. The head of the serpent has been crushed once and for all, as we continue to pray and use the weapons of our warfare, and the whole armor of God, the written word of God, pray in King Jesus name, plead the blood of king Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and praying for and assisting each other. God through his redemptive plan of Salvation through King Jesus has destroyed the evil presence started by the serpent who still licks/eats the dust for having beguiled Eve, and caused Adam to disobey Gods law not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The curse for the most part of abortion and abuse of women and children has been reversed. Victory has been won for women to be rescued from their abusers demanding abortion rather than asking God to assist them regarding children being added to the family through natural childbirth and the number of children. The curse which God had placed upon the ground and all nature caused Adam and Eve great turmoil, trials, struggles, and much defeat and even death. The perfect world they once knew was forever changed until the second man Adam, King Jesus died upon the cross to deliver all the human race from the curse from the fall and the law of sin and death, John 8:36, Rom. 6:22. The victory has been won and will continue to be won for every one who receives King Jesus as their LORD and Savior. We must all keep fighting and using our faith and weapons Eph. 6:12-17, 1Cor. 10:4-6, Hebrews 4:12, 1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:5 on the blood of King Jesus, to destroy all evil wherever it may exist and never allow anyone to place us in bondage to sin again. Praise God. "Hallelujah!", "Hallelujah!" Chosen by God for ever more, Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston, Founder |