Submit A Prayer Request
Are you facing a challenge right now? Is the enemy afflicting your soul, body, and spirit with evil words trying to prevent Gods promise from manifesting in your life? Have you been trapped in a bondage by the enemy making you a slave to the lustful things of this wicked world. King Jesus can set you free from every bondage, he will break the chains of darkness out of and off your life.

If so, We are here for you. We are here to enfold you in loving, faith-filled prayers of intercession and spiritual warfare destroying every threat of harm against you. You have our commitment to serve you with sensitivity, compassion, and complete confidentiality using the delegated power given us from on high to help you get your prayers answered in this earth. But you must first submit a prayer request by using the information shown below this letter, and we will be glad to pray with you. Once you receive your prayer request answered please give generously according to 2 Cor. 9:7, and tithes of 10% (+) offerings please read: Mal. 3: 8-11, of your earnings and submit a praise report to help support the work of the ministry which God has given us, so others will know more about the goodness of God in the earth towards them. Thanks to God in King Jesus name for you chosing this website to make your prayer request, we are so glad that you did.
Submit your prayer request below, and rest assured that your request is kept sacred and confidential. Every request sent to us receives loving, compassionate attention. Please know that we are here for you and that you are never alone. Praise God.
Chosen by God for ever more,
Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston, Founder, CEO, & Overseer