"Prayers for Those Under My Leadership In The Earth"
  Dear Heavenly Father,  I come before your presence with a humble heart and a Holy mind to please you and only you as I present the cause of these which you have placed under my leadership before you.
My prayer for them, is for them to repent of sin and come to know your Son King Jesus Christ as their Lord and savor while there maybe still time. It is very important for them to be washed in his shed blood and made whole form all sin in the flesh and spirit.
That they will surrender everything over to you that is not in your perfect will for their lives. Help them to come to know and understand your plan and purpose for them so that they will be planted upon a solid foundation in your word and by your Holy Spirit to be ready to transition from one government system to another in this world which we presently inhibit. And to overcome the loss of loved ones gone on to another place. 
Help them to come to the saving knowledge of your provision for them each day. Guide them by thy mighty hand out of the pathway of darkness of this evil and wicked world so they will be able to defend their faith in you regardless of the test or trial. That they will obtain wisdom from you in faith and understanding to resist the temptations which comes from the  realm of darkness and to know how to use the weapons which you have provided in your written word to make them victorious and prosperous. 
Help them to trust you and your plan for their lives as they each endeavor to grow unto spiritual maturity in your divine Holy written word and obey  righteous and Holy leadership. And  that one day they will be endowed with the many wonderful promises which your word teaches comes through obedience, and is a reward of faith. And that they might not grow weary in doing good service for the LORD in my Kingdom.
And that they will allow you to manifest your perfect will through them to produce the results form their prayers helping them to become aware of their influence and impact on others, especially those of the younger generation. 
And that they will realize the importance of daily prayer, meditation and Bible reading/study for growth in you in order that their lives will produce a bountiful harvest of peace, love towards others, joy, happiness, contentment and loyalty to my throne through love of God in Christ Jesus.
I praise thee O Lord of Hosts in King Jesus mighty name for answered prayer on behalf of all those who will obey my Holy leadership in this great earth which thou has given me as a reward of my faith, obedience and loyalty to the Kingdom of God on earth and Kingdom of God in heaven. Help us to live at peace towards one another. 
Chosen by God for ever more, 
Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston