"THE RESILIENT WARRIOR: OF MINE AND KING JESUS KINGDOM AUTHORITY" click link above "Oh!", what a powerful topic to chose. We are warriors everyday we live until the Second Coming of our Lord and savior King Jesus. There is no room for defeat. Because we have the greatest spiritual armor made available by God and weapons of our warfare, too. Even though there maybe times of great difficulty we are able to recover ourselves and continue in the battle (Eph. 6:12-17) (2 Cor. 10:4-5). We are equipped to be resilient spiritual warriors and as intercessors from deep within our souls; the place where we are first called to be so, from the leading of our intercessor the Holy Spirit from King Jesus who is our advocate and intercessor on earth. He equips and empowers us from within when we call upon him in travailing secret prayer for more of himself, strength, wisdom and power to overcome this evil wicked world which we all inhibit. To endure until this great battle against death, hell, and the grave and its multitude of enemies are cast out of this earth and into outer darkness, and those others down into the pit of hell into their final destiny (Rom. 8: 26-27; 30-39).  We are resilient, we are valiant, we are courageous though wounded and battled scared and sometimes fatigued, broken and on the mend, we are healed by the strips of King Jesus Christ 1Peter 2:24. We are mighty spiritual warriors fighting against all the many injustices, unethical, illegal tyrants within evil wicked governments, ministries, catholic diocese, neighbors, family members and dishonest friends.  We are mighty warriors with the Holy anointing endowed upon us to fight with our whole armor on and sword of the Spirit wielding in our tired but strong hands, because the right hand of God is upon our hand. We have been anointed to heal, save and rescue the many hurting Saints among the fallen on the battle fields of life, to bind up the wounds of all pierced through with the enemies fiery dart. We save the lost and dying and bury those called home to glory. As we continue to destroy every enemy headed toward us with the wounded upon our shoulders. We bear the burdens of every one in our weapons of warfare with tears streaming down and our heads bow low, to the glory of God, and uplifted as we fight, we fight, we fight until the victory of the day is won. We are mighty resilient warriors of Gods Holy Kingdom remembering the sufferings of the many who have fought victoriously before us preparing the way for all those to come through the predestination of King Jesus Christ on the cross.  We are mighty valiant and resilient warriors encouraging the weak and faint of heart among us to continue in prayer for those in leadership as they gain faith to one day fight along side of us. We are endowed by God with discernment of the enemies tactics as we are welding our swords of the written word of God against the darkness within the darkness of the night and day. We continue the fight from glory to glory for the victory is yet to be completely won and until all evil and wicked people and spirits are thrown down into the pit of eternal destruction and damnation. "We are victorious through our faith in God, faith in King Jesus, faith in the written word of God! Faith in the Holy Spirit! Faith in the Holy Trinity!" "We are Powerful! against enemies of Heaven and earth"! "And we win, against enemies of Heaven and earth"! "And we win, we win, Every time"! "Every time"! "We fight together as one in unity"! "We win Saints of God"! "Hallelujah!", "Hallelujah", "Hallelujah!", "Hallelujah!" Chosen by God for ever more, Royal Queen Cora Lee Hairston